EbNaut Information for LF

Status of EbNaut and this page

EbNaut may be the ultimate weak signal mode for low and very low frequencies but it requires extreme precision in frequency and time calibration. For many, understanding the technical and operational aspects of EbNaut is a challenge. As I have struggled to understand the mode and required equipment setup myself, I have heard from others who are just as baffled. I hope to assemble here a collection of EbNaut informatiomn which may be helpful to the newcomer, including tutorials and successful EbNaut hardware implementations. The main focus will be on EbNaut for LF (the 2200 meter amateur band).

EbNaut home page for background, technincal information, software, etc.

It is suggested one read and try to understand the material on the above linked page and to seek other sources of information. As an amateur radio licensing instructor and one who appreciates knowledge of how things work, I feel it is always worthwhile to understand as much as one can. That said, this is very complex stuff, often overwhelming to the average amateur radio operator or LF enthusiast. Technical complexity, limited publishing of information and lack of a consolidated repository of information have contributed to slow expansion of EbNaut on LF. It is the aim of this page to address those points.

Receive hardware configuration using Cubic CDR-3250, Trimble Thunderbolt GPS Reference, Leo Bodnar LeoNTP time server.

Transmit hardware configuration using HP 3325A signal generator, ZAD-8 mixer.

Morse ID inverse Part A and Part B

EbNaut Phase Shift Driver for HP 3325A/B uses RS232 DTR or RTS signal to allow EebNaut Sender to phase shift an HP synthesizer/function generator.

EbNaut Reception Using Sound Card Line-In describes Windows software configuration with screen shots, includes a text description of hardware.

EbNaut LF Reception of K3RWR using SDR-IQ describes how a SDR-IQ receiver and Windows software can be used to decode LF EbNaut transmissions.

Decoding EbNaut Transmissions with Stacking using Windows software.

Downconveter for EbNaut Reception using Sound Card Line-Indescribes a simple hardware solution for reception of EbNaut and includes information on softwrae configuration.

Links to EbNaut Information on Other Sites

IZ7SLZ EbNaut Information includes linux software information and hardware description using JRD NRD-92 receiever, NEO-8 GPS and more.

EA5DOM provides a Help Chart to Decode EbNaut, File Export Configuration in Spectrum Lab, Spectrum Lab File Configuration for DF6NM EbNaut Tools.

Related Informational Links

Eb/N0 Explained

Last update January 4, 2022