N1BUG: 160 Meter Sound Clips

On this page is a collection of sound files representing some of the DX I have worked or heard on 160 meters. These files do not represent every DX station or entity I have worked. They are intended to illustrate the nature of DXing on 160. Recordings are made as a matter of convenience when doing so is practical and does not interfere with working the DX!

These files have not been processed or enhanced. This is audio exactly as I hear it from my receiver while operating. Files prior to May 2007 do have some distortion due to overdriving the sound card input while recording.

As of March 19, 2013, files have been converted to monaural and file sizes reduced without loss of quality.

For some long haul DX there can be several possible paths (short, long, and skew). Where known, I have indicated the direciton of signal arrival for the longer paths and polar paths.

I have sorted the files by continent, except Asia I have broken into three sections based on perceived difficulty. This is a rather "fuzzy" distinction. Japan might not be any harder than some of the paths in Mid Asia... while some of the paths in "Mid Asia" may become just as difficult as the Far Asia paths in times of higher solar activity. Also, some in Oceania are just as difficult as Far/Mid Asia... for example Guam.

Far Asia
These are the most difficult paths from Maine, because the direct (and long) paths are either high latitude or polar, traversing the auroral zones.
9M2AX 2006 Nov 20 Near his sunrise. Path unknown because all I had for transmit and receive antenna at this time was an inverted V at 75 feet. This is the strongest I have ever heard Ross. It seems likely his signal was high angle that day, though I cannot confirm that.
9M2AX 2012 Jan 03 Near his sunrise working K1UO.
9M2AX 2012 Jan 03 Near his sunrise working N1RJ.
9M4SLL 2013 Mar 11 Spratly Is. Peaked on south path about 3 to 5 minutes after my sunrise. Excellent copy but was unable to QSO.
BU2AQ 2010 Nov 09 Heard via unknown path. Initially the path seemed to be alternating between southwest and northwest, but later his signal was about equal on south, southwest, west, and northwest Beverages. This suggests the signal may have been arriving at high angle from an unknown direction.
DU7ET 2013 Mar 15 Closer to his sunset than my sunrise, south path.
DU7ET 2013 Mar 15 After my QSO he got even stronger! But faded long before my sunrise.
JA1HQT 2007 Jan 14 Near my sunrise, northwest path.
JA8ISU 2009 Oct 29 Near my sunrise, northwest path. For the JA>Maine path, this is a huge signal!
JA0QNJ 2007 Jan 14 Near my sunrise, northwest path.
JD1BMH 2011 Jan 02 Weak, but workable. What a pleasant surprise! I believe I was Harry's first W1 from JD1/O.
JT1CO 2009 Dec 11 Shortly before my sunrise. North path. Notice how he comes out of the noise just long enough for a QSO, then fades again. I was lucky!
JT0YAB 2010 Nov 01 Shortly after my sunset.
RA0FF 2010 Nov 06 Near my sunrise, northwest path.
RA0QC 2009 Jan 23 Near his sunrise, north path.
V84SMD 2012 Nov 20 South to Southeast path between my sunset and his sunrise.
XU7ACY 2010 Nov 09 Via long path (south/southwest) just before my sunrise. Peter reported high QRN this day and I am shocked I got through! This was my first 160m Asia QSO on the S/SW path.
XU7ACY 2010 Jan 28 Near his sunrise. Skew path over Europe (Northeast).
XU7ACY 2011 Feb 12 It is amazing how oftem Peter is workable!
XU7ACY / JT1CO 2011 Feb 14 This was bizarre. I heard Peter and Chak only on my South Beverage on this evening. This is a large file. I am including the whole 10 minute segment as recorded during this unusual event.
YC0LOW/1 2011 Jan 15 Jo had a good signal but was struggling with noise on his end.
2013 Dec 03 Via SW path. First file (1) is our QSO; second file (2) is the peak about 3 to 4 minutes later.
Mid Asia
These are challenging or infrequent paths due to being relatively high latitude.
4S7NE 2007 Jan 18 Evening, northeast path.
EY7AF 2007 Jan 29 Near his sunrise, northeast path.
EY8MM 2013 Feb 20 Evening, northeast path.
EY8/K4ZW 2009 Jan 31 Evening, northeast path.
RZ0AF 2008 Nov 22 Evening, north path. This is an incredible signal for a polar path!
RZ0BA 2010 Nov 03 Evening, north path.
UA9YAB 2007 Feb 11 Evening, north path.
UK8DAN 2011 Feb 02 I had worked this station before, but this is probably the best I have ever heard him. Not bad for 70 watts to a low wire antenna!
UK8GK 2007 Feb 12 Evening, northeast path.
UN5J 2011 Feb 13 Not an easy QSO but we made it!
VU2BGS 2010 Jan 17 Near his sunrise, northeast path. Kumar was running 70 watts to a 12 meter high wire vertical on the roof!
Other Asia
These are relatively easy, mid latitude paths.
4L/UT5EO 2010 Nov 26
4Z1UF 2010 Nov 26
7O6T 2012 May 13 Nice signal. I failed to record the QSO I had earlier.
A45XR 2008 Feb 21
A71EM 2010 Jan 29
A73A 2010 Nov 01
A7/M0FGA 2010 Jan 15
HZ1FI 2012 Jan 02
OD5NJ 2011 Mar 18
VU7RG 2007 Jan 19
YI9PSE 2010 Apr 03
YK9G 2008 Aug 15
3B9WR 2010 Mar 23
3XM6JR 2006 Nov 10
5A7A 2006 Nov 18
5N7M 2013 Mar 29
5N7MGI 2009 Nov 25
5R8X 2010 Nov 09
5V7TT 2010 Oct 15
5X8C 2013 Feb 12
5Z4HW 2008 Mar 09
7Q7BP 2007 Jan 29
9J2BO 2007 Jan 29
9Q50ON 2010 Dec 06
9U4U 2013 Feb 15
9X0CW 2010 Feb 10
A25NW 2009 Nov 25
C50C 2010 Nov 25
C52T 2006 Oct 27
D2NX 2008 Jan 30 With QRN and QSB, this QSO was a bit of a challenge... but I've seen tougher ones on topband!
D3AA 2013 Jan 20 Typical 160m. Weeks, months go by and you just can't hear a particular station. Then all of a sudden, boom! He's loud!
FR/DJ7RJ 2010 Oct 02
J20RR 2007 Feb 03
J28AA 2011 Feb 04
S79GM 2010 Mar 24
S79K 2010 Nov 01
S9DX 2011 Feb 08
ST0R 2011 Aug 05 And some poeple think 160m is useless in summer!?
TJ9PF 2011 Feb 13
TL0CW 2011 Oct 28
TN2T 2012 Jan 22
TN5SN 2009 Jan 10
TO7RJ 2009 Oct 06 DXCC entity Mayotte (FH)
TU2T 2011 Nov 07 Bit of a rough go of it with QSB but got him.
TU2/F5LDY 2007 Jan 23
V51AS 2009 Oct 17
VQ9LA 2010 Oct 04 I wish I had a clip of Larry during our first topband QSO, March 2005... he was 599+ at my sunset that day, as was 8Q7DV.
VQ9LA 2011 Feb 12
XT2C 2007 Jan 14
XT2TT 2013 Feb 23 Worked on CW right in the middle of a major SSB contest. What a great signal!
Z21BB 2010 Nov 19 About half way between my sunset and Fernando's sunrise.
ZD8O 2010 Nov 23
ZD9T 2010 Nov 21
3D20CR 2009 Oct 04 Conway Reef
3D2RX 2013 Feb 18 Rotuma at last! Several prior operations from here had been unworkable.
5W0RE 2007 Feb 27
A31A 2009 Nov 23 This is about as weak as they can get and still have confidence the QSO was good!
E51QMA 2006 Nov 04 North Cook Islands
FO8RZ 2010 Nov 06 French Polynesia
FO/JA8BMK 2008 Feb 19 Austral Islands. Nice big fade in the middle of the QSO.
FW5RE 2009 Feb 01
K4M 2009 Oct 15 Midway Island
KH2/N2NL 2010 Nov 03 Weak, propagation not especially good this day. All those years of EME were good training for copying in conditions like this! The power was out on Guam, so Dave (running on a generator) had very quiet receiving conditions.
KH6/N6KB 2006 Jan 29
NH8S 2012 Sep 11
T27A 2009 Feb 20 I was very lucky with the QSB on this weak one.
T30RH 2011 Mar 15
T30YA 2011 Feb 16
T31A 2011 Apr 27
T32MO 2007 Jan 30
T33ZZ 2008 Oct 23
TX3A 2009 Nov 04 Chesterfield Island
TX4T 2010 Feb 29 French Polynesia
V73QQ 2010 Dec 12
VK6GX 2008 Oct 22 Near my sunset, but VK6 is nearly antipodal from here and is just as workable the other way around at my sunrise.
VK6HD 2006 Nov 08 Also near my sunset... but really, they are workable the other way around!
VK6HD 2011 Dec 24 See! This QSO was near my sunrise.
VK9CNC 2008 Oct 10 Norfolk Island
VK9DNX 2007 Feb 21 Norfolk Island
VK9DWX 2009 Oct 17 Willis Island
VK9GMW 2009 Apr 01 Mellish Reef
VK9LA 2009 Mar 26 Lord Howe Island. Weak.
VP6DX 2008 Feb 12 Ducie Island
VP6T 2012 Jan 23 Worked on a QSB peak.
ZK2A 2010 Nov 24 Weak!
ZK2C 2012 Feb 10 QSB.
ZL1AZE 2010 Dec 06
ZL7T 2009 Mar 10
ZL8X 2010 Nov 20
ZL8X 2010 Nov 26 SSB.
3Y0X 2006 Feb 10 Peter I Island
DP1POL 2010 Jan 16
RI1ANF 2012 Sep 12 South Shetland Is.
1A4A 2007 Jan 13
R1FJT 2006 Oct 27 Franz Jozef Land
TA2AL 2013 Mar 09
TB4/DJ7RJ 2013 Mar 04
ZA3HA 2010 Nov 23
North & South America
4A4A 2011 Mar 18
CX/N3BNA 2010 Nov 11
HC2AC 2013 Jan 21 Outstanding signal for 100 watts.
HK0NA 2012 Jan 11
PT0S 2012 Nov 12
TI9KK 2008 Feb 10
TO5FJ 2008 Jan 16 St. Barthelemy
VP8BUG 2009 Nov 20 Falkland Islands. Nice callsign :-)
VP8DMN 2010 Jan 24 Falkland Islands
VP8ORK 2011 Jan 31
VP8ORK 2011 Feb 05 Typical enhancement of north-south (especially transequatorial) paths during a geomagnetic storm.
WL7E 2012 Jan 03 I dare you to try to copy WL7E with severe echo on his signal. This was an unusual propagation phenomenon.
XR0ZA 2010 Jan 27
ZY0T 2009 Oct 19



I have been asked what plasma TV noise sounds like on the bands. Here are two samples. The first one is noise from a plasma TV on 10 meters. At the beginning of the file I was using a 2.4 kHz filter with the receiver tuned to the center of the noise. Later I tuned back and forth through the noise with both wide (2.4 kHz) and narrow (300 Hz filters). The time line is as follows:
0:00 - 0:47 steady noise, 2.4 KHz filter
0:47 - 1:20 tuning through the noise with 2.4 kHz filter
     0:56 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
     1:10 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
1:20 I switch to 300 Hz filter and begin tuning back and forth through the noise
     1:43 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
     1:48 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
Plasma TV on 10m Band

Next is plasma TV interference on 160 meters, first with a wide filter, then narrow, as before.
0:00 - 0:25 steady noise, 2.4 kHz filter
0:25 - 0:50 tuning through the noise with 2.4 kHz filter
     0:30 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
     0:42 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
0:50 I switch to 300 Hz filter and being tuning back and forth through the noise
     1:01 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
     1:18 brief silence as I tuned out of the noise
Plasma TV on 160m Band

Last update January 4, 2022